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Cupa 1 Iunie - Ziua Copilului la karate PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 28 Martie 2018 16:45

                     Cupa 1 Iunie - Ziua Copilului la karate


   Clubul Sportiv Shogunul Oradea în parteneriat cu Palatul Copiilor şi Elevilor Oradea, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Bihor, Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Bihor şi Primăria Comunei Sântandrei.

   Scopul competiţiei: Asigurarea condiţiilor pentru sportivii români de a câştiga experienţă de competiţie cu alţi sportivi, buna colaborare şi prietenie între diferite stiluri şi circuite de karate, respectiv popularizarea disciplinei de karate, ca sport!


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Miercuri, 07 Martie 2018 19:34



   MAIA CUP is a competition that gone start on Saturday afternoon, and the objective is the promotion of  the spirit, and the union of all clubs.
   The inscription have a coast of 40€ and the teams need minimum 5 and maximum 8 athletes to compete.

   Elements for teams:
Juvenil M/F
Cadet M/F
Junior M/F
Senior M/F
Inscription for the teams are in sportdata or you can do to this email, Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza


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Karate1 Series A - Salzburg 2018 PDF Imprimare
Joi, 01 Martie 2018 13:41
   The WKF Karate1 Series A is a series of world class Karate competitions recognized
and supported by the World Karate Federation. Its aim is to bring  together the best  Karate competitors in the world in a series of open championships of scale and quality.
The number of competitors is open.  All members of WKF are admitted to participate.
The competition categories are identical to those of Senior World  Championships except for Kumite team.
The WKF competition Rules in force will be applied.
Competitors of individual categories earn ranking points in every WKF Karate1 event  according to the official WKF World Ranking regulations.

       La  aceasta  competitie  s-au  inscris  circa  1590  de sportivi   din  88 de tari.

       Din  Romania  participa  16  sportivi  :
- Manea Robert
- Pop  Alexandra
- Gini  Andrei  Duta
- Ionut   Grosu
- Iancu  Emil
- Rotaru  Cristina  Maria
- Alina Mihaela  Guta
- Beldeanu  Sabina
- Dumitru  Marin
- Iorga  Vlad
- Lambrea Andrei Cristian
   Alături de sportivii din lotul României sunt și doi arbitrii WKF: Leonard Baloi - și Marian Urluescu .
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Davide Benetello appointed member of new IOC Steering Committee for Athlete Charter PDF Imprimare
Marţi, 12 Decembrie 2017 19:59




    WKF Athletes Commission chairman Davide Benetello has been selected to be part of the newly created Steering Committee for Athlete Charter of Right and Responsibilities of the International Olympic Committee. Mr. Benetello, who is also a member of WKF Executive Committee, will represent Karate in the working group aiming to reinforce the main key themes outlined in the Athlete Charter.

    International Olympic Committee. Mr. Benetello, who is also a member of WKF Executive Committee, will represent Karate in the working group aiming to reinforce the main key themes outlined in the Athlete Charter. 

    The decision to include the former Karate World Champion in the committee was taken during the 8th edition of the IOC International Athletes’ Forum which was held in Lausanne in November. The composition of the Steering Committee comprised of athletes representatives from all of the five Continental Associations, ten International Federations, the International Paralympic Committee, the World Olympians Association and three IOC AC Members.


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Stagiu de pregatire cu Luca Valdesi PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 12 Mai 2017 09:37

18402327 1558226384197183 2098043722353370456 o

       Comisia Nationala de Karate Shotokan ESKU din cadrul Federatiei Romane de Karate.   va invita la   Stagiu  cu   Luca  Valdesi  , multiplu  campion  mondial   si  european  WKF.
    Vom avea alaturi pentru doua zile cel mai titrat campion de kata WKF.

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