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VENEZUELA - O TARA interesanta !! PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 26 Ianuarie 2019 13:49
Area controlled by Venezuela shown in dark green; claimed but uncontrolled regions shown in light green.
   Conform ,Sute de agenţi paramilitari ruşi, aparţinând unor firme de securitate private implicate şi în conflictele din Ucraina, au ajuns în Venezuela, pentru a-l proteja pe preşedintele Nicolas Maduro, care tocmai şi-a preluat al doilea mandat. Opoziţia, care contestă alegerile şi acuză fraude electorale, l-a proclamat preşedinte pe Juan Guaido, preşedintele Parlamentului, iar zeci de mii de venezueleni protestează violent pentru a-l sprijini. Susţinut de Rusia, China, Turcia, Siria şi Iran, Maduro acuză SUA de tentativă de lovitură de stat, după ce Donald Trump a anunţat că recunoaşte decizia opozanţilor săi.

 Rusia a trimis sute de agenţi ai unor firme de securitate private pentru a asigura protecţia preşedintelui Venezuelei, Nicolas Maduro, contestat în proteste violente de stradă, susţinute de SUA, afirmă surse citate de agenţia Reuters.

Agenţi paramilitari care efectuează misiuni secrete pentru Rusia au ajuns în Venezuela în ultimele zile, pentru a consolida dispozitivul de securitate al preşedintelui Nicolas Maduro, în faţa protestelor opoziţiei susţinute de Statele Unite.





   Administraţia Vladimir Putin a anunţat că îl consideră pe Nicolas Maduro preşedintele legitim al Venezuelei. Kremlinul a avertizat Statele Unite că ingerinţele în Venezuela sunt "inacceptabile", catalogând drept "extrem de periculoase" declaraţiile oficialilor americani privind o posibilă intervenţie militară. Rusia a acuzat Statele Unite că susţin protestele care au generat de câţiva ani o criză politică gravă în Venezuela. China, Turcia, Siria şi Iranul au exprimat susţinere pentru regimul Nicolas Maduro.

     Preşedintele Statelor Unite, Donald Trump, a decis să îl recunoască pe Juan Guaidó, liderul opoziţiei, ca fiind preşedinte interimar al Venezuelei. Juan Guaidó, preşedintele Adunării Naţionale din Venezuela, s-a autoproclamat miercuri după-amiază preşedinte interimar al ţării, contestându-l oficial pe preşedintele Nicolás Maduro în contextul crizei politice grave. Nicolas Maduro tocmai a început al doilea mandat de preşedinte al Venezuelei, dar zeci de mii de persoane continuă protestele, denunţând fraude electorale.  "



     Venezuela (, officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Spanish: República Bolivariana de Venezuela),[7][note 1] is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and a large number of small islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea. The capital and largest urban agglomeration is the city of Caracas. It has a territorial extension of 916,445 km2 (353,841 sq mi). The continental territory is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Colombia, Brazil on the south, Trinidad and Tobago to the north-east and on the east by Guyana. With this last country, the Venezuelan government maintains a claim for Guayana Esequiba over an area of 159,542 km2 (61,600 sq mi). For its maritime areas, it exercises sovereignty over 71,295 km2 (27,527 sq mi) of territorial waters, 22,224 km2 (8,581 sq mi) in its contiguous zone, 471,507 km2 (182,050 sq mi) of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean under the concept of exclusive economic zone, and 99,889 km2 (38,567 sq mi) of continental shelf. This marine area borders those of 13 states. The country has extremely high biodiversity and is ranked seventh in the world's list of nations with the most number of species.[8] There are habitats ranging from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Amazon basin rain-forest in the south via extensive llanos plains, the Caribbean coast and the Orinoco River Delta in the east.

The territory now known as Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. In 1811, it became one of the first Spanish-American territories to declare independence, which was not securely established until 1821, when Venezuela was a department of the federal republic of Gran Colombia. It gained full independence as a country in 1830. During the 19th century, Venezuela suffered political turmoil and autocracy, remaining dominated by regional caudillos (military strongmen) until the mid-20th century. Since 1958, the country has had a series of democratic governments. Economic shocks in the 1980s and 1990s led to several political crises, including the deadly Caracazo riots of 1989, two attempted coups in 1992, and the impeachment of President Carlos Andrés Pérez for embezzlement of public funds in 1993. A collapse in confidence in the existing parties saw the 1998 election of former coup-involved career officer Hugo Chávez and the launch of the Bolivarian Revolution. The revolution began with a 1999 Constituent Assembly, where a new Constitution of Venezuela was written. This new constitution officially changed the name of the country to Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Spanish: República Bolivariana de Venezuela).

The sovereign state is a federal presidential republic consisting of 23 states, the Capital District (covering Caracas), and federal dependencies (covering Venezuela's offshore islands). Venezuela also claims all Guyanese territory west of the Essequibo River, a 159,500-square-kilometre (61,583 sq mi) tract dubbed Guayana Esequiba or the Zona en Reclamación (the "zone under dispute").[9] Venezuela is among the most urbanized countries in Latin America;[10][11] the vast majority of Venezuelans live in the cities of the north, especially in the capital (Caracas) which is also the largest city in Venezuela.

Oil was discovered in the early 20th century, and today, Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves and has been one of the world's leading exporters of oil. Previously, the country was an underdeveloped exporter of agricultural commodities such as coffee and cocoa, but oil quickly came to dominate exports and government revenues. The 1980s oil glut led to an external debt crisis and a long-running economic crisis. Inflation peaked at 100% in 1996 and poverty rates rose to 66% in 1995[12] as (by 1998) per capita GDP fell to the same level as 1963, down a third from its 1978 peak.[13] The recovery of oil prices in the early 2000s gave Venezuela oil funds not seen since the 1980s.[14] The Venezuelan government under Hugo Chavez then established populist social welfare policies that initially boosted the Venezuelan economy and increased social spending, temporarily[15] reducing economic inequality and poverty in the early years of the regime.[19] However, such populist policies[20] later became inadequate, causing the nation's collapse as their excesses—including a uniquely extreme fossil fuel subsidy[21]—are widely blamed for destabilizing the nation's economy. The destabilized economy led to a crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela, resulting in hyperinflation, an economic depression,[22] shortages of basic goods[23] and drastic increases in unemployment,[24] poverty,[25] disease, child mortality, malnutrition and crime. By 2017, Venezuela was declared to be in default regarding debt payments by credit rating agencies.[26][27] In 2018, the country's economic policies led to extreme hyperinflation, with estimates expecting an inflation rate of 1,370,000% by the end of the year.[28] Venezuela is a charter member of the UN, OAS, UNASUR, ALBA, Mercosur, LAIA and OEI.


                          Analiză. Venezuela, un nou câmp de confruntare între SUA şi Rusia. Putin şi-a trimis armata de mercenari să-l apere pe Maduro




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