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Audi începe lansarea inteligenței artificiale pentru controlul calității sudurilor prin puncte PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 30 Iunie 2023 17:24
Audi begins roll-out of artificial intelligence for quality control of spot welds


Test use of artificial intelligence for series production at Audi a success


Volkswagen Group has begun installing the technical infrastructure in additional plants


Audi is working with an expert team to develop an audit and certification-proof process and an AI guide for production

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Analiza detaliată a înmatriculărilor de autovehicule în luna Mai și pe întreg anul 2023 PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 18 Iunie 2023 18:21

                              Maşini SH vs. maşini noi. Cum a evoluat piaţa în 2021 şi ce mărci şi  combustibili preferă românii |


    • Inmatriculările de autoturisme noi sunt în creștere la cinci luni 2023 (+26,9%) faţă de 2022

    • Autoturismele “electrificate” au o creștere de 33,7%, realizând o cotă de piață de 21,0%

    • Vehiculele comerciale ușoare + minibuse, în creștere cu 22,2%, iar cele grele + bus cu 22,4%

   După evoluția importantă a lunilor anterioare, mai 2023 vine cu o creștere de 30,5% a înmatriculărilor de autovehicule faţă de luna similara a anului precedent. Dacă ne raportăm la anii anteriori, luna mai 2023 este în creștere cu 54,9% față de perioada similară din anul 2021, cu 84,3% faţă de mai 2020 şi cu 2,0% faţă de mai 2019.

Sursa date: DRPCIV, prelucrare APIA
In piața națională, TOP 10 mărci, autoturisme + autovehicule comerciale, după primele cinci luni din anul 2023, este condus de către
Dacia (20.849 unități),
urmată de Renault (6.614 unități),
Ford (4.383 unități),
Toyota (4.248 unități),
Volkswagen (4.079 unități),
Hyundai (4.008 unități),
Skoda (3.955 unități),
Mercedes Benz (3.781 unități),
BMW (1.959 unități)
și Suzuki (1.782 unități).

I. Autoturismele (care reprezintă aproximativ 84% din total) au înregistrat, în luna mai 2023, un volum de 13.466 unități, cu 33,6% mai mult decât în luna similară din 2022.
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Îngrijirea autovehiculului potrivită pentru vară PDF Imprimare
Marţi, 13 Iunie 2023 19:02

     Regular car care not only ensures a high-gloss appearance, but also contributes to the

long-term value retention of your vehicle. With our products and application tips, we help

you to keep your car in optimum condition during the summer.


Summer is the perfect time of year to really enjoy driving. But at the same time, this also

means that your car is exposed to a wide range of seasonal conditions – from bright sunshine

to insects and pollen. That’s why it’s all the more important to maintain the car regularly, even in

summer. We give you some tips for proper car care in summer.

Regular washing should be the rule

Regular car washes are important for removing dirt, insects and pollen, but also resins from

trees or bird droppings. If this is not done in time, the acids and substances contained can

damage the paint, cause cracks and lead to corrosion. With our Insect Remover and the

matching Insect Removal Sponge, you can remove insects effortlessly and at the same

time pretreat your car for the main wash. Please make sure not to apply the Insect Remover

in direct sunlight or on already hot paint surfaces, and rinse the car thoroughly afterwards

to avoid residues.

Stubborn dirt and even finish rust and flash rust can be removed quickly and easily with

our Intensive Car Cleaner. This means that you can also optimally pretreat heavily soiled

body parts of your vehicle for the main wash.


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“A designer among designers” – Audi at Design Shanghai 2023 PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 11 Iunie 2023 17:25


Audi at Design Shanghai 2023


Audi presents the Audi activesphere concept study: Visitors can dive into the world of the car in a walk-in installation at the front of the venue


Panel talk with Charles Lefranc, Design Manager, and Ryan Schlotthauer, Interior Designer


Design Shanghai is one of three Chinese design fairs Audi is supporting this year

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Audi invests in the future: PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 31 Mai 2023 18:36

Audi invests in the future: Topping-out ceremony for paint shop and groundbreaking ceremony for a water circuit

Audi invests in the future
Groundbreaking ceremony for the sustainable water cycle: (from left to right) Dr Achim Diehlmann, Head of Environmental Protection at the Neckarsulm site and Project Manager Mission:Zero, Bernhard Schneider, Head of Real Estate/Building Infrastructure Neckarsulm, Rainer Schirmer, Chairman of the Works Council at the Neckarsulm site, Steffen Hertweg, Lord Mayor Neckarsulm and Chairman of the Wastewater Association, Fred Schulze, Plant Manager Neckarsulm, Dr. Carina Kögler, Head of Corporate Protection/Real Estate, Christian Forelle, Project Manager Waterworks
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Salonul Auto Bucuresti 2023

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