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Cea mai grea „pisica lui Schrödinger” din lume împinge granițele cuantice PDF Imprimare
Luni, 24 Aprilie 2023 12:32
                      An artist's impression of  
     The famous thought experiment of Schrödinger’s Cat neatly sums up a complex quantum phenomenon, highlighting how bizarre that unseen world is by putting it in terms we can visualize. Now, scientists have created the heaviest Schrödinger’s Cat to date, probing the boundaries between quantum and classical physics.
Particles on the quantum scale can behave in ways that don’t sound possible according to our everyday experience. For instance, it’s perfectly normal for particles to exist in a superposition of two states at once, or even be in multiple places simultaneously, neither of which are possible up here on the macro scale. But why can’t we have our cake and eat it too? Where exactly is the line that separates the realms of quantum and classical physics?
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Barca electrică din fibră de carbon este atât de ușoară încât ajunge la apă pe acoperișul unei mașin PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 19 Aprilie 2023 13:56
                      Kaebon EB Eins design rendering
    Optimized for the lowest weight possible, the Kaebon EB Eins (One) electric boat is a smooth, monolithic hunk of carbon fiber designed to glide silently through the water. It's so lightweight, in fact, it can ride atop an SUV like a canoe, eliminating the need for a trailer or boat slip. Its sleek shape ensures that boaters enjoy their time on the water and get as much of it as possible, whether they're going full throttle or dialing it back for an afternoon-long cruise.
Imagine boating on a pristine alpine lake, your vessel the only sign of humanity within sight or earshot. You're surrounded by little more than raw nature and the impressionistic reflection it leaves rippling through the glassy water surrounding you. And yet, there you are running a loud, thundering gas engine and spewing all the exhaust and oily residue that come along with it.
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BP foresees faster transition away from oil, gas PDF Imprimare
Joi, 30 Martie 2023 07:38

                        Natural gas logo stock vector. Illustration of fuel, energy - 88332129


    BP made a bold shift in its Energy Outlook 2023, published at the end of January. It states that the upheaval caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will push countries to pursue greater energy security over the next decade, with oil and gas consumption declining faster than it predicted previously, while accelerating the shift towards a more local energy mix and renewable energy. BP expects that, as a result, global CO2 emissions will decline at a faster rate.


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ChatGPT poate acum accesa internetul și rula codul pe care îl scrie PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 25 Martie 2023 08:48

                          ChatGPT now has access to the internet, and can run the code it writes

   OpenAI has allowed its stunning ChatGPT AI to reach out into the world with staggering new powers. It can now access the internet, run its own code to solve problems, accept and work on uploaded files, and write its own interfaces to third-party apps.

Language model AIs teach themselves the arts of communication and problem solving based on a limited set of training data. In the case of GPT-4, that data is quite out of date, with the cutoff being late 2021. That's where all of ChatGPT's "knowledge" has come from up to this point, and its only output – at least in the service the public can use – has been text. Now, with today's launch of a plugin ecosystem, GPT levels up again with some impressive new abilities.


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Elicopterul MH-139A Grey Wolf pentru a păzi silozurile de rachete nucleare din SUA PDF Imprimare
Luni, 13 Martie 2023 09:50


                        The Grey Wolf is replacing the Bell Huey helicopter

    The US Air Force has awarded Boeing a US$285-million contract to build the first 13 MH-139A Grey Wolf helicopters to replace the venerable Bell UH-1N Huey multi-role helicopter fleet that guards America's land-based nuclear ballistic missiles.

Entering service in 1970, the UH-1N Huey was originally designed as a multi-role medium military helicopter. Over the decades, it's fulfilled many missions and seen service with nations all over the world.

Today, its chief job is search and rescue, in addition to carrying out security patrols and providing transport for the US arsenal of land-based ICBMs and the bases that support the missile-laden silos.

With the new contract, the Huey fleet will be replaced by the MH-139A Grey Wolf, which is being built by Boeing as the primary contractor and Leonardo as an original equipment manufacturer that will also provide the manufacturing facilities in northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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