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Boeing câştigă contract de 3.48 miliarde dolari antirachetă al SUA PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 31 Decembrie 2011 08:37

      Boeing Co invingind Lockheed Martin , a  reusit   să-şi păstreze poziţia sa ca prim contractor pentru scutul antirachetă american cu bataie lunga,  a declarat  Pentagonul , vineri.

   Departamentul american al Apararii a declarat ca lui  Boeing   i   s-a  atribuit    un   contract de 3.48 miliarde dolari, de şapte ani pentru a dezvolta, testa, cerceta şi fabrica sistemele  de apărare anti-rachetă.

  O echipa condusa de Lockheed Martin Corp şi Raytheon Co  s-au întrecut cu Boeing pentru a extinde şi de a menţine    proiectul  Apărării de sol Midcourse, sau GMD, hub-ul de protecţie antiracheta stratificat.



   .Boeing partnered with Northrop Grumman Corp to retain the work."We believe the government conducted a fair and open competition, making the right decision for the future of the program," Norm Tew, Boeing vice president and program director of GMD, said in a statement.Lockheed said it was "honored" to have participated on the bid, a company spokesperson said in a statement on Friday.

  The GMD contract's value to Boeing will have been about $18 billion from January 2001, when it formally became the system's prime contractor, through the end of this year, Boeing has said.GMD uses radar and other sensors plus a 20,000-mile fiber optic communications network to cue interceptors in silos at Fort Greely, Alaska and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.The shield has been shaped initially to guard against ballistic missiles that could be fired by Iran and North Korea.

    It is the only U.S. defense against long-range missiles that could be tipped with chemical, biological or nuclear warheads.

** sursa  : Reuters

Iranul avertizează SUA PDF Imprimare
Joi, 29 Decembrie 2011 20:55

Iranul avertizează SUA peste Strâmtoarea Hormuz Teheran (Reuters) - Un înalt comandant al Gărzilor Revoluţionare Iraniene a afirmat joi că Statele Unite nu sunt  în măsură să spună Teheran "ce să facă în strâmtoarea Hormuz," a  raportat   televiziunea de stat , după ce   Statele Unite ale Americii au declarat că va păstra transporturilor de petrol dinGolf.

Ameninţarea  Teheran de a bloca traficul prin pasajul crucial pentru furnizorii de ţiţei din Orientul Mijlociu a urmat deciziei Uniunii Europene de a strânge sancţiuni asupra Iranului pentru programul său nuclear, precum şi de însoţire se mută de către Statele Unite pentru a strânge sancţiuni unilaterale.






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A murit Kim Jong- leaderul Coreei de Nord PDF Imprimare
Luni, 19 Decembrie 2011 08:21

   Liderul nord-coreean Kim Jong-il a murit de un atac de cord în timp ce  era  într-o călătorie cu trenul, a  raportat  mass-media de stat , ceea ce a dus la  o  preocupare imediată privind   controlul de stat  şi programul său nuclear.


   Un crainic de televiziune  îmbrăcat  în negru, a declarat  ca Kim Jong-il   in  varsta   de 69 de ani a murit sâmbătă de  epuizare fizică şi psihică   la locul de muncă în drumul său de a oferi "îndrumări  in domeniu."




    Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il's youngest son, is seen as the leader-in-waiting after he was appointed to senior political and military posts in 2010.

North Korea's official KCNA news agency said the elder Kim died at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday (6:30 p.m. EST on Friday) after "an advanced acute myocardial infarction, complicated with a serious heart shock." Kim had suffered a stroke in 2008, but had appeared to have recovered from that ailment.

South Korea, still technically at war with the North, placed its troops and all government workers on emergency alert, Yonhap news agency reported. But Seoul's Defense Ministry said there were no signs of any unusual North Korean troop movements.

"Up until tonight, if anybody had asked you what would be the most likely scenario under which the North Korean regime could collapse, the answer would be the sudden death of Kim Jong-il," said Victor Cha, a Korea expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies think-tank in Washington.

"And so I think right now we're in that scenario and we don't know how it's going to turn out."

The White House said President Barack Obama had been notified of the reports of Kim's death and it was closely monitoring and in touch with South Korea and Japan.

The United States was committed to stability on the Korean peninsula as well as to its allies, the White House press secretary said.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told ministers at a special security meeting to prepare for the unexpected, including on border affairs, Japan's top government spokesman said.

China, North Korea's only major ally, has yet to comment.

Market players and regional powers will be on edge over what might happen next in the isolated state, whose collapsing economy and bid to become a nuclear weapons power pose major threats to northeast Asia.

Asian stocks and U.S. index futures fell, with South Korean shares tumbling as much as 5 percent, and the dollar gained after the announcement. The Korean won fell 1.8 percent.

Kim Jong-un was at the head of a long list of officials making up the funeral committee, indicating he would lead it, and a key sign that he had taken, or been given, charge.

But there will be enormous questions over how much credibility the younger Kim has, since he is only in his late 20s and has had little time to prepare for the role.

"Kim Jong-un is not yet the official heir, but the regime will move in the direction of Kim Jong-un taking center stage," said Chung Young-Tae at the Korea Institute of National Unification. "There is a big possibility that a power struggle may happen.

"It's likely the military will support Kim Jong-un," he added. "Right now there will be control wielded over the people to keep them from descending into chaos in this tumultuous time."

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In Portugalia : taxa suplimentara pentru companiile cu profit de peste 10 mil. euro PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 18 Decembrie 2011 09:56

Portugalia trece la austeritate: taxa suplimentara pentru companiile cu profit de peste 10 mil. euro



Guvernul portughez a anuntat, astazi, o taxa suplimentara de cel putin 5% pentru companiile cu profituri de peste 10 milioane de euro, informeaza Reuters. Masura de austeritate este necesara pentru a respecta obiectivele fiscale convenite in pachetul de ajutor financiar de la UE si FMI, sustin oficialii portughezi.



Dupa ce joi a prezentat un set de masuri de reducere de cheltuieli, care practic diminueaza salariile angajatilor din sectorul public, premierul Pedro Passos Coelho declara ca din 2012 companiile cu profit de peste 10 milioane de euro vor trebui sa plateasca o taxa suplimentara de cel putin 5%.
Portugalia a impus o taxa de 2,5% pentru companiile cu profit mai mare de 2,5 milioane de euro in mai, inainte de a conveni pachetul de ajutor financiar de 78 de miliarde de euro cu finantatorii externi.
Portugalia trebuie sa dovedeasca partenerilor europeni si investitorilor ca isi va respecta obiectivele printr-un buget credibil, indiferent de cat de dur, a spus Passos Coelho, intr-un discurs in Parlament. Proiectul de buget pentru anul urmator va fi prezentat legislativului saptamana urmatoare.
Portugalia trebuie sa coboare deficitul bugetar anul urmator la 4,5%, de la 5,9% estimat pentru acest an.

Spania si Franta, investigate de CE pentru taxele din sectorul telecom. Ungaria risca amenzi drastice
In luna martie, Comisia Europeana a trimis Spania si Franta in instanta pentru ca acestea nu voiau sa renunte la taxele impuse operatorilor din domeniu. Chiar daca au fost avertizate, autoritatile spaniole si franceze au continuat sa impuna taxe speciale pe profiturile operatorilor, care incalca normele Uniunii Europene. Concret, cele doua au introdus aceste taxe dupa ce a fost interzisa publicitatea platita la canalele publice de televiziune. Ambele state au fost avertizate inca din octombrie 2010.
In Franta, operatorii trebuiau sa achite 0,9% din veniturile totale care depaseau 5 milioane de euro. In Spania, o taxa similara va aduce la buget 230 de milioane de euro in 2010.
In plus, suprataxarea companiilor telecom impusa de Ungaria pentru a face rost de bani la buget a dus la deschiderea unei proceduri de infrigement, potrivit unui comunicat al oficialilor de la Bruxelles. Ungaria taxeaza suplimentar companiile din sectorul telecomunicatiilor, energie si comert.

Taxa se calculeaza in functie de veniturile anuale ale companiei, iar oficialii estimeaza ca va aduce la buget 582 milioane de euro in urmatorii trei ani. Companiile din retail vor fi taxate cu 2,5% din veniturile anuale, iar operatorii de telefonie mobila si fixa cu 6,5%. Companiile energetice vor achita la stat 1,05% din veniturile anuale, potrivit AFP
**  sursa   :
Datoria Greciei va fi redusă cu 100 de miliarde de euro PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 28 Octombrie 2011 13:07



Brussels, 26 October 2011

Main results of Euro Summit :


The euro is at the core of our European project of peace, stability and prosperity.
We agreed today on a comprehensive set of measures to restore confidence and address the current
tensions in financial markets. These measures reflect our unwavering determination to overcome
together the current difficulties and to take all the necessary steps towards a deeper economic union
commensurate with our monetary union.
Today we agreed on the following:
1. An agreement that should secure the decline of the Greek debt to GDP ratio with an objective
of reaching 120% by 2020. Euro area Member States will contribute to the PSI package up to
30 bn euro. The nominal discount will be 50% on notional Greek debt held by private
investors. A new EU-IMF multiannual programme financing up to 100 bn euro will be put in
place by the end of the year. It will be accompanied by a strengthening of the mechanisms for
the monitoring of implementation of the reforms.
2. The significant optimisation of the resources of the EFSF, without extending the guarantees
underpinning the facility. The options agreed will allow the EFSF resources to be leveraged.
The leverage effect of both options will vary, depending on their specific features and market
conditions, but could be up to 4 or 5, which is expected to yield around 1 trillion euro (around
1.4 trillion dollar). We call on the Eurogroup to finalise the terms and conditions for the
implementation of these modalities in November. In addition, further cooperation with the
IMF will be sought to further enhance the EFSF resources.
3. A comprehensive set of measures to raise confidence in the banking sector by (i) facilitating
access to term-funding through a coordinated approach at EU level and (ii) the increase in the
capital position of banks to 9% of Core Tier 1 by the end of June 2012. National supervisors
must ensure that banks' recapitalisation plans do not lead to excess deleveraging.
4. An unequivocal commitment to ensure fiscal discipline and accelerate structural reforms for
growth and employment. Particular efforts are being deployed by Spain. New strong
commitments on structural reforms have been made by Italy. Portugal and Ireland will
continue their reform programmes with the support of our crisis mechanisms.
5. A significant strengthening of economic and fiscal coordination and surveillance. A set of
very specific measures, going beyond and above the recently adopted package on economic
governance, will be put in place.
6. Ten measures to improve the governance of the Euro area.
7. A mandate to the President of the European Council, in close collaboration with the President
of the Commission and the President of the Eurogroup, to identify possible steps to strengthen
the economic union, including exploring the possibility of limited Treaty changes. An interim
report will be presented in December 2011.

A report on how to implement the agreed
measures will be finalised by March 2012


  **  sursa  : European Council


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