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Israel cere aminarea unor exercitii de aparare SUA-Israel anti- racheta PDF Imprimare
Luni, 16 Ianuarie 2012 09:51

  Un  mare  exercitiu americano-israeliene de apărare anti-rachetă  care a fost planificată să aibă loc în primăvara anului, a fost amânată din cauza unei cereri adresate de către Ministerul Apărării israeliene,   au   spus   oficialii   americani si  israelieni  Yahoo News duminică.

Ministrul Apărării israelian Ehud Barak a emis o cerere la Pentagon luna trecută ca exerciţiul comun planificat  sa   fie  amânat,  a  declarat    un oficial american  duminică Yahoo News.

"A fost Barak," a declarat oficialul american sub protecţia anonimatului.

  Agentia  Evreiasca  Telegraph a  agenţiei Ron Kampeas raportase  anterior -duminică -  că exerciţiu a fost amânat, chipurile din cauza "reducerile bugetare israeliene."




But American officials are privately concerned that the Israeli request for a postponement of the exercise could be one potential warning sign that Israel is trying to leave its options open for conducting a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in the spring. In that case, it would not wish American forces to then be on the ground, the thinking goes.

An Israeli official downplayed that interpretation. He told Yahoo News Sunday that another possible reason for the delay may be that the Americans and Israelis both considered that such a huge maneuver at this time of heightened tensions between the West and Iran could potentially inflame the situation.

The Israeli Defense Ministry made the decision in consultation with the Pentagon, he said, and the two nations' defense agencies had been expected to issue a joint statement indicating the exercise will be postponed until the second half of the year.

Some Washington observers found both cited Israeli rationales for the delay--budget cuts and Israeli concern about further raising tensions with Iran--as conspicuously thin.

U.S. officials publicly, like their Israeli counterparts, however, said such delays aren't all that unusual.

"I do know there were a variety of factors at play in this case, but in general, leaders from both sides believe that optimum participation by all units in best achieved later in the year," U.S. European Command (EUCOM) spokesman Captain John Ross told Yahoo News by email Sunday.

"Following close consultation between US European Command (EUCOM) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), exercise 'Austere Challenge 12' will be conducted during the second half of 2012," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told Yahoo News by email Sunday.

"It is not at all uncommon for routine exercises to be postponed," Kirby  added.

General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is due to arrive in Israel Thursday for consultations, the Associated Press reported. It will be Dempsey's first trip to Israel since assuming the top Pentagon military post in September.

"The Obama administration is concerned that Iran's recent statement that it is expanding nuclear operations with more advanced equipment may push Israel closer to a strike," the AP reported said.




**  sursa : The  Envoy

Zeci de răniţi şi 140 de arestări în urma unor violenţe în Kosovo PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 15 Ianuarie 2012 10:06

Circa 50 de persoane, majoritatea membri ai forţelor de ordine, au fost rănite în violenţele de la două puncte de trecere.


Protestatarii spun că Serbia vrea să obstrucţioneze dezvoltarea în Kosovo, care şi-a declarat independenţa de Serbia în 2008.

Protestele de sâmbătă au fost organizate de Autodeterminarea, un partid din Kosovo care se opune contactelor cu Serbia. Grupul, condus de liderul de opoziţie Albin Kurti, a spus că vrea să blocheze temporar accesul produselor sârbe în Kosovo.

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Iranul face un exerciţiu militar in apropierea frontierei afgane PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 07 Ianuarie 2012 22:29

    Conform   Reuters -    Iran a lansat o manevră militară în apropierea graniţei sale cu Afganistanul sâmbătă, semi-oficial de agenţia Fars News a raportat, de zile de la exerciţii navale în zona Golfului a crescut tensiunile cu Occidentul şi a stimulat cresterea preturilor petrolului.

   Mohammad Pakpour, comandant al forţelor terestre Gărzile Revoluţionare ", a declarat ca" martiri Unităţii "exerciţii de lângă Khvat, 60 km (40 mile) din Afganistan, au fost", care vizează stimularea de securitate de-a lungul frontierelor iranian, "a raportat Fars.

   "Forţele navale" Gărzile Revoluţionare    au  facut  un  exerciţiu   de  10  zile  în Golf , care a pus capăt  relatiilor  inrautatite  cu Washington, la  zi după ce preşedintele american Barack Obama a aprobat sancţiuni care au ca scop de a opri ţările   sa   cumpare   petrol iranian




Threats that Iran could close the Strait of Hormuz, which leads out of the Gulf and provides the outlet for most oil from the Middle East, pushed up oil prices and Iran warned Washington not to send an aircraft carrier back into the Gulf.

Forces with the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier strike group, the target of Tehran's threat, rescued 13 Iranian fishermen from Somali pirates days after passing through the Strait. [ID:nL6E8C6004]

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi played down the political significance of the rescue.

"On some occasions, Iran has helped and secured the released of many other countries' sailors that had been caught by pirates," he told state-run Press TV.

"This is a humanitarian gesture and it is not related to the countries' relations with each other."

Manifestatii de strada in UNGARIA PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 06 Ianuarie 2012 09:51

   Potrivit  lui  :  The Telegraph



Maghiarii raliu peste constituţie

Zeci de mii de protestatari, luni,au  batjocorit liderii maghiari din afara ,o gală glitzy pentru a marca constituţia ţării de brand nou, acuzând guvernul de exercitare a controlului asupra tuturor lucrurilor din mass-media, la economie şi religie.

O mulţime de oameni au scandat diverse, fluierat şi arborat pancarte în afara Opera de Stat în funcţia de prim-ministru Viktor Orban  , in  timp  ce oaspeţii sărbătoreau   in  interior. Mulţi protestatari   au  numit   pe  premier "Viktator."

Prim-ministrul a    dat  un jurământ de a apăra Constituţia, dar în schimb el a rasturnato,  a  spus  "Laszlo Majtenyi, un fost şef al autorităţii de mass-media, a spus multimii pe bulevardul Andrassy." Tonight Opera este casa de făţărnicie şi de strada de origine de virtuţi constituţionale. "





Opposition activists and civil rights groups say Orban and his centre-right Fidesz party, which has a two-thirds parliamentary majority, have passed laws eroding the democratic system of checks and balances by increasing political control over the judiciary, the central bank, religious groups and the media.

President Pal Schmitt insisted Hungarians could be proud of their new constitution, which he said was long overdue and should have been adopted after the fall of communism.

"This constitution was born of a wide consultation, building on national and European values," Schmitt said during the celebration. "Our Basic Law defines the family, order, the home, work and health as the most important, shared scale of values."

Activiştii spun retragerea trupelor siriene este un fals PDF Imprimare
Joi, 05 Ianuarie 2012 13:49

    Activiştii sirieni  din opoziţie spun ca  autorităţile siriene sunt de rupte    de  promisiunile lor de a retrage trupele de pe strazile  ce  au   sfâşiat  orasele  prin  luptele   ce  au  loc  pe  strazi , în contradicţie cu declaraţiile de pace, Liga Arabă ce  monitorizeaza   situatia  din  Siria  , declara  că forţele guvernamentale   nu  au   retras în  cazarmi  armata.

    O misiune a Ligii Arabe a sosit în Siria săptămâna trecută pentru a verifica dacă guvernul pune  în aplicare un  plan de pace ,în temeiul căruia  s-a convenit ,:

- retragerea militarilor

- eliberarea   a   mii de prizonieri   (  detinuti   cea  au  participat   la  revolta  împotriva preşedintelui Bashar al-Assad   , ce a început în luna martie.




League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby said in Cairo on Monday the monitors had reported back that state forces had withdrawn from residential areas. The mission was ensuring a halt to bloodshed and had secured the release of about 3,500 prisoners, he said.

"We are not seeing the release of detainees or the true removal of a military presence from the streets," said Rami Abdelrahman, head of the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

"Army tanks have been replaced with police armored personnel carriers that still have the capability to shoot heavy weaponry."

Videos uploaded by activists on the Internet showed armored vehicles hidden behind high dirt barriers.

"Nabil Elaraby, you are in Cairo and we're in Baba Amr. Here are the tanks and there are your monitors," said one activist in a video uploaded on the Internet which showed a team of orange-vested men who appeared to be League monitors standing near an armored vehicle behind a barrier.

Such footage is impossible for Reuters to verify and Syria has barred entry to most foreign journalists.

Opposition groups in the cities of Idlib in the north, central Homs and Deraa in the south said the army had hidden armor in dugouts and replaced tanks with blue armored vehicles said to belong to police forces.


Washington accused the government of trying to stoke up more violence to justify retaliation.

The Syrian government on Wednesday rejected accusations from Washington that it was failing to live up to its agreement with the Arab League.

"Such a statement is offensive to the Arab League ... because it is a blatant interference in the core of its work, the sovereignty of its states and an unjustified attempt to internationalize (the Syria crisis)," Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdesi said in a statement.

The mission is expected to report on its first week of work by the end of this week.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe called Syrian repression "savage" and talked of the possibility of U.N. action.

"The Arab League has the merit of having taken the initiative, but Arab League observers cannot allow themselves to be manipulated by the regime as the regime is trying to do," he said in Lisbon.

"We hope the Arab League has clear objectives and if these objectives are not met we will work with the (U.N.) Security Council so it pronounces itself about the Syrian situation."


Activists said monitors visited the main prison in Homs. They were greeted with chants of "freedom, freedom" and "the people want the fall of the regime," the activists said, citing leaked messages from detainees and guards.

"The security forces moved some of the detainees but the numbers are so huge they couldn't move them all," said Homs activist Abu Rami. "They moved some detainees to military bases and moved away the ones who are in bad health."

Rights groups say there may be more than 30,000 in prison and activists put the death toll since the team's arrival last week at between 130 and 390 people.

More than 5,000 people have been killed in the crackdown on protests, according to the United Nations. Damascus says it is fighting Islamist militants, controlled from abroad, who have killed at least 2,000 of Assad's forces.

Colonel Riad al-Asaad, head of the rebel Free Syrian Army, pledged this week to escalate operations against Assad's forces in response to what he said was the unsatisfactory performance of the Arab League monitors.

Since November rebel fighters have ambushed military convoys, attacked an airbase, seized army checkpoints and launched symbolic attacks on an intelligence centre and an office of the ruling Baath Party in the heart of Damascus.










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