Kim Jong Un a fost numit oficial comandant suprem al armatei Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 31 Decembrie 2011 08:53

Coreea de Nord a anunţat sâmbătă că Kim Jong Un a fost  numit   oficial  comandant suprem al armatei, consolidarea în continuare autoritatea sa, după moartea tatălui său, vechi liderului nord-coreean Kim Jong Il


   .Funcţionari şi mass-media de stat , iau  acordat     lui   Kim Jong Un, care este la 20 de ani l, un şir de titluri  de elita al Coreei de Nord ,iar   în urma morţii tatălui său, urmeaza  la  putere ,în această lună, după 17 ani la putere  a  tatalui  sau.

  Titlul   de  Supreme Commander - şi proclamarea formală a acestuia de către Biroul Politic puternic al Comitetului Central al Partidului Muncitoresc "- este un semn clar că Kim Jong Un doreste   consolidarea rapidă puterii  asupra Coreea de Nord.


Este, de asemenea, cel mai recent pas dintr-un cult al personalitatii înfloritoare în jurul lui.

Vârsta lui Kim Jong Un şi lipsa de experienţă au ridicat întrebări în afara Coreea de Nord cu privire la conducerea lui a unei naţiuni angajate în negocieri delicate pentru programul său nuclear şi a lupta cu zeci de ani de dificultăţi economice şi penuria cronică alimente.



But the North has moved quickly to show the world a unified face.Kim Jong Un should be "the only center of unity, cohesion and leadership" of the Workers' Party, North Korea's state media said, and the 1.2 million-strong military should uphold the "songun," or military-first, politics laid down by Kim Jong Il.The party said the country should unite around Kim Jong Un and strengthen "the monolithic leadership system of the dear respected Comrade Kim Jong Un throughout the party and society."An unannounced Workers' Party meeting Friday proclaimed that the younger Kim "assumed supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army" according to a will made by Kim Jong Il on Oct. 8, the North's official Korean Central News Agency said in a statement early Saturday morning.

The meeting of the North's ruling party came one day after the official mourning period for Kim Jong Il ended and senior military and political officials publicly declared Kim Jong Un leader of the party, military and people at a massive memorial for his father.

Titles are an important part of North Korea's efforts to link Kim Jong Un to the myth-building surrounding the Kim family legacy.Kim Il Sung, the country's first and only president, retains the title Eternal President even after his death.Kim Jong Il held three main positions: chairman of the National Defense Commission, general secretary of the Workers' Party and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army. According to the constitution, his position as chairman of the National Defense Commission made him Supreme Leader of North Korea.Kim Jong Un was made a four-star general last year and appointed a vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party. Since his father's death, he has picked up major titles from officials and state media: Great Successor, Supreme Leader and Great Leader.

And now he has officially been named Supreme Commander.Analysts said the moves show the power transition has been smooth and faster than anticipated."The proclamation is something that has been expected, but it is notable that it happened so quickly," said Kim Yeon-su, a North Korea expert at Korea National Defense University. He said North Korea was showing the world that its system was stable and "the elite remain united."He said that next for Kim Jong Un in 2012 would be for him to be nominated as chairman of the National Defense Commission and to rise to the post of general secretary of the Workers' Party.Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said the succession was accelerating and stabilizing."It also shows the military-first rule will continue. The North was pressing ahead with steps for power transition regardless of the mourning period.

That shows the country is united."Choe Yong Nam, 48-year-old army officer, told The Associated Press in Pyongyang that he was confident with Kim Jong Un as supreme commander of the military. "As we were led by illustrious commanders of Mount Paektu, we have won only victories. I am sure that we will always emerge victorious as we have another great leader Kim Jong Un."Paektu is the highest peak on the Korean peninsula that the North cites in propaganda to signify the Kim dynasty. It is also Kim Jong Il's official birthplace.An engineer with the 326 Electric Wire Factory, Kim Song Un, 54, said he did not expect any changes in the country's policies. "We will keep to our path of the socialist cause of juche (self reliance) true to the leadership of Kim Jong Un in the future, as we did under the leadership of Kim Jong Il."






sursa  :  Associated Press