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Nokia opens 6G Lab in India PDF Imprimare
Luni, 09 Octombrie 2023 10:01
  •                         Nokia updates its logo because people are convinced it still makes phones |  NYSE:NOK
  • Nokia launches first-of-its-kind 6G Lab in India; research areas will include foundational 6G technologies like Network as a Sensor, Network Exposure and Automation.
  • The 6G Lab is milestone for Nokia in contributing to the ‘Bharat 6G Vision,’ which aims to position India as a key global contributor to the design, development and implementation of 6G technology; the project also highlights Nokia’s commitment to the Indian market.
  • Nokia’s lab will be a platform for future collaboration for industry and academic stakeholders on 6G and facilitate the testing of new solutions while establishing their potential for commercialization.
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Atacul surpriză asupra Israelului slăbit pune în pericol geopolitica regională PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 07 Octombrie 2023 18:59

Atacul surpriză asupra Israelului slăbit pune în pericol geopolitica regională

(Bloomberg) -- A surprise multifront attack on Israel by the Palestinian group Hamas will likely lead to a massive military retaliation on Gaza and possibly to a wider conflagration with repercussions beyond the Middle East.


The flare-up — involving infiltrations, capture of soldiers and civilians, and thousands of rockets — comes at a time of enormous diplomatic sensitivity and a moment of weakness for Israel that analysts have been warning its enemies might seek to exploit.

The country is in negotiations with the US and Saudi Arabia on a complex three-way deal in which Washington would offer security guarantees to Riyadh. The Saudis, for their part, would normalize relations with Israel. Israel has also been talking with Turkey and others about gas exports to Europe along with corridors for trade from Asia.

Internally, Israel has been embroiled in political turmoil that left it vulnerable. Last April, the nation found itself briefly engaged on three fronts simultaneously — Gaza, Lebanon and Syria — after rocket fire came from all three. Part of the trigger was that Israeli Jews entered the grounds of the al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem. This past week, that too occurred.

“I can’t exclude a multi arena war that will cause a very very severe threat to the state of Israel,” Giora Eiland, a former national security adviser in Israel, said in a briefing with journalists. He added, though, that Israel prefers to fight one enemy at a time and would not be quick to open another front.

Israel Latest: PM Says Nation Is at War After Deadly Incursion

Israeli officials have been saying for months that Palestinian militant groups, guided and funded by Iran, were preparing for violence and that Israel was ready to strike back. That said, Saturday’s attack on the Sabbath and Jewish holiday caught the country distinctly by surprise, adding to a sense of injury that could feed its response.

Nation at War

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Strategia naţionala privind economia circulară aprobată PDF Imprimare
Joi, 05 Octombrie 2023 19:12

23.HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru completarea Strategiei naţionale privind economia circulară aprobată prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1172/2022

   Prin actul normativ se are în vedere completarea Strategiei naționale privind economia circulară (SNEC) cu planul de acțiune care stabilește domeniul de aplicare sectorial bazat pe prioritizarea elaborată în cadrul SNEC, unde au fost evidențiate sectoarele cu cel mai pare potențial pentru economia circulară.
   Sectoarele economice incluse în Planul de acțiune pentru strategia națională privind economia circulară sunt: agricultură și silvicultură; auto; construcții; alimente și băuturi; ambalaje (sticla, hârtia, materialele plastice, lemn și materiale metalice); textile; echipamente electrice și electronice, baterii și acumulatori.


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HG introduce cerințe suplimentare care urmează să fie aplicate anumitor echipamente radio, PDF Imprimare
Joi, 05 Octombrie 2023 19:01

HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru modificarea şi completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 740/2016 privind punerea la dispoziţie pe piaţă a echipamentelor radio, precum şi a Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 487/2016 privind compatibilitatea electromagnetică

  Hotărârea aprobată vizează în principal transpunerea în legislația națională a Directivei (UE)2022/2380 a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 23 noiembrie 2022 de modificare a Directivei 2014/53/UE privind armonizarea legislației statelor membre referitoare la punerea la dispoziție pe piață a echipamentelor radio.
  Noile reglementări vor contribui la prevenirea fragmentării pieței în ceea ce privește interfețele de încărcare și protocoalele de comunicare pentru încărcare, precum și la îmbunătățirea confortului consumatorilor și la reducerea deșeurilor electronice.

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Cimentul revoluționar „zero carbon” folosește electroliza, nu cuptoare PDF Imprimare
Luni, 02 Octombrie 2023 16:09

                Sublime is commercializing an electrolysis process that generates zero-carbon lime for totally green cement and concrete production

    Sublime Cement says it's ready to start scaling on the "world's cleanest cement," which meets industry performance standards relying on room-temperature electrolyzers in place of fossil-fueled furnaces, using a variety of zero-carbon input materials.

Traditional concrete manufacturing processes result in a ton of CO2 for every ton of cement produced – and since we're talking about somewhere around 4.1 billion tons globally just in 2022more than half of that in China alone – cement is a massive contributor to climate change, being responsible for about 8% of global carbon emissions.

This makes it an equally massive opportunity; whoever gets to global scale first on a cost-competitive, totally zero-carbon cement alternative could well be sitting on a giant money-printing machine as decarbonization mandates and carbon taxes start to kick in.

There is no shortage of low-carbon and carbon-capturing concrete alternatives in the works, but MIT spinout Sublime Systems is particularly interesting, since it takes a novel electrochemical approach to cement-making that's "true zero carbon" instead of "net zero carbon" or "carbon-sequestering" – in that it can totally eliminate carbon emissions at both the key points where they typically arise in the process.


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